Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We were near yet so far...

We were near yet so far...*sigh*

Please pick me up,been bleeding too long
Right here, right now..yes i'll stop it somehow

I will make it go away cause can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way, soon I'll be gone
These feelings will be gone

Now I see the times they change and Leaving doesn't seem so strange
I am hoping I can find where to leave my hurt behind
All the thing I seem to take
All alone I seem to break

I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man??? *hurrmm*

Shut me off I'm ready *heart stops*
I stand alone can't be my own

Am I going to leave this place? *yes i will*
What is it I'm running from? *YOU*
Is there nothing more to come?
Is it always black in space?
Am I going to take its place?
Am I going to win this race? *but i'm tired*

Just had another query,
I have lived the best I can, does this make me not a MAN???

Ini Entah Rasa Aku....!

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