Tuesday, August 24, 2010

raKan MuDa...yg dh tUa...


xlame lg dh nk step down from Seramu...lpskn post as a presiden..

presiden....jwtan n name yang gah beb...fames jer kn....tp disebalik kemegahan tue...lies all the pain...lies all the tears&cried...lies all the hated....im exaushted...thats it..im done...!

tp..what the hack...pedulik ape aku ngan penat tue...all those pain...all those tears...doesnt effect my love towards SERAMU...i love u all....i love SERAMU...its my SERAMU...it our SERAMU...

yes..it should be OUR seramu...tp kenape aku xdpt rs love to inside korg..?knape aku xdpt rs yg korg mmg join seramu sbb nak join...bkn sbb glamour or name...dem....penat seih...

mane slp aku beb...??btolkn aku kalu btol aku slh....

xlame lg...on 24th sept 2010...aku akn step down...korg plak ganti aku nnt...tpkn...sape "korg" tue eh..?aku sndri xpasti...wuaa...

hope Seramu lps nie akn jd lbh gempak...have a heart for O.U.R. SERAMU...
i love SERAMU...my SERAMU..O.U.R. SERAMU..!

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